CarSea S.A.S was constituted in November 2018, Seatrade decided to partner up with Caribbsa and open Seatrade Colombia.
Seatrade is one the biggest specialized reefer shipping lines in the world with more than sixty years of experience in especialized reefer logistics.
Caribbsa Group holds 30 years of experience in the reefer logistic services and tanker oil operations in the Colombia market , dominanting the logistics cold chain; and used to work with Chiquita Brands international and Seatrade Chartering NV.
2005 Seatrade started liner services Operations in Colombia and nominated Caribbsa as it’s agent managing the services Seaban and Seamed. Services covering Colombia, Costa Rica, Roterdam, and Dover trade and Colombia, Costa Rica, Barcelona, Livorno trade.
2013 Streamlines the container line of seatrade group started liner services in Colombia and nominated Caribbsa at its agent.
2018 Carsea was constituted in November 2018, Seatrade partner up with Caribbsa and open Seatrade Colombia.
2019 Seatrade/Streamlines launches 3 services in Colombia.
Caribanex service: Turbo – Santa Marta- Dominican Republic – Vlissingen- Dover – Dutch Antilles
Blue stream service: Cartagena – Santa Marta – Puerto Limon – London Gateway – Vlissingen – Roterdam – Dutch Antilles.
Zodiac service: Turbo – Puerto Barrios – Puerto Limon – Portsmouth- Vlissingen – Gdansk – Radicatel – French Antilles
Seatrade Colombia (CarSea S.A.S) It´s headquarters are based in Bogotá D.C where all administrative, logistics, operational, documental and commercial matters are coordinated. We have the capacity to assist all kinds of vessels and we are able of being comercial agents for all the trades between Colombia and the rest of the world. The staff of Carsea have years of experience in the management of reefer cargo, cars and any kind of dry cargo that can fit into a NOR container; as well as palm oil and coal transportation. We can manage reefer vessels, container vessels, project cargo vessels, RO RO vessels, bulk Cargo vessels, specialised liquid palm oil vessels within others.
We are actively involved in agency, sales activities, container equipment control and cargo documentation-related shipping activities following the FDD (Fast, Direct and Dedicated) policy.
We adhere to a strict code of conduct, acting with responsibly and caring for our community and environment. We believe in an ethical behaviour and respect to our customers and suppliers.
Now days we follow a strict Biosecurity protocol for our people and all crew members.